Friday, February 11, 2011

Vampire Power! (sucks)

Vampire power is essentially when plugged-in appliances in your home use "stand by" power while they are not being used.  This occurs because many appliances do not actually go all the way off -- such as internal clock devices, cell phone chargers, TVs, DVD players, power adaptors, or anything with remotes.  Vampire power's implications essentially mean a drain on power and money -- that is, electricity is constantly "leaking" throughout your home, and it accounts for roughly 5% of your electric bill.  Suggestions to remedy vampire power seem to emphasize simply unplugging objects like chargers when they are not in use.  Of course, this may not be practical -- it would be a little ridiculous unplugging the TV after every time you use it.  It seems that in recent years efforts have been made to lower the amount of watts used in devices with standby power.